# Welcome to my mind! #work-in-progress > [!WARNING] > ==The site is still WIP, so, please, be patient with certain sections. Thank you!== This little site is the public front for my projects, thoughts, notes, plans, and who knows what else! *If you came here from [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/simtoon/), you might want to jump to [[#Professional background]].* ### Active projects - [The Advanced Communication Augmentor and Relational Insights System - v2](The%20Advanced%20Communication%20Augmentor%20and%20Relational%20Insights%20System%20-%20v2.md) ### A little something about me I'm a programmer and I, among else, conduct research in the machine learning field. \ Ever since I was a child, I wanted to write stories and then somehow be able to show them to the world. I started writing e-books, but that wasn't satisfactory; something was missing: there was no way to interact with the story and change how it unfolds. \ So, I got into game dev. A few years have passed, and I have incorporated my own company, and started making primarily games, but my company also made websites, and provided tech support. \ When the 2023 "*AI hype*" began, I made a difficult decision to step away from game development and get into machine learning full-time. I had core knowledge there, so the transition was relatively easy. Ever since, I've been in this field, studying hard to become proficient. I led a small crash-course for several interns from my school that covered the basics of neural nets, strengthening my own command of the topic. \ Today, I specialize in natural language processing, specifically using the [Transformer model architecture](Transformers%20for%20Natural%20Language%20Processing%20-%20Second%20Edition.md). I code in Python and C++ and have completed over 10 functional personal projects with it. I am currently working on another—a research project, [ACARIS](Arch.md), aimed at improving social understanding within NLP, and a [research project](Simtoon%20Brain%20Institute.md), though technically associated with [ACARIS](Arch.md), that aims to identify hypoactive brain regions in ASD social interactions and apply non-invasive brain stimulation to attempt to improve through neuroplasticity. \ I'm also teaching myself cognitive science to gain more knowledge on how to combine a human with the immense capabilities of machine learning. #### Big Five ^ebc132 ![](https://github.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/blob/3ffce6a9ea6071fb6ef3aadbcaca3f5aa45ab85d/BIG5-graphic.png?raw=true) #### MBTI ^31feee ![](https://github.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/blob/b31de57a13bff648f71a660dd5aab965dc23674c/mbti.png?raw=true) #### "Dark Triad" ^1b7255 ![](https://github.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/blob/93a40834fa5eb719062c5b93e7ed7cfcce00324b/Screenshot%20from%202023-12-19%2008-15-13.png?raw=true) #### Mach-IV ![](https://github.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/blob/788de59eb3843460f01ef59d3c5f8465f6cfdf8a/Screenshot%20from%202023-12-25%2013-10-35.png?raw=True) #### Narcissism ![](https://github.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/blob/788de59eb3843460f01ef59d3c5f8465f6cfdf8a/Screenshot%20from%202023-12-25%2013-15-02.png?raw=True) ![](https://github.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/blob/788de59eb3843460f01ef59d3c5f8465f6cfdf8a/Screenshot%20from%202023-12-25%2013-15-38.png?raw=True) --- --- ### Professional background ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/main/metrics.classic.svg) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/main/metrics.plugin.wakatime.svg) ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/simonSlamka/simonSlamka/main/metrics.plugin.isocalendar.fullyear.svg) *total since 2019* ![](https://wakatime.com/badge/user/70f280d9-2d73-42e5-894d-a0d0f2acbd75.svg) *For coding stats, [click here](Personal%20interests/Coding/Stats.md).* [==GitHub profile==](https://github.com/simonSlamka) \ <a id="cy-effective-orcid-url" class="underline" href="https://orcid.org/0009-0006-8579-5472" target="orcid.widget" rel="me noopener noreferrer" style="vertical-align: top"> <img src="https://orcid.org/sites/default/files/images/orcid_16x16.png" style="width: 1em; margin-inline-start: 0.5em" alt="ORCID iD icon"/> https://orcid.org/0009-0006-8579-5472 </a> \ I've had a few student jobs, but nothing related to my field. I also own and manage my own business, but it hasn't taken off (yet). \ From January until March, I managed a team of a total of 7 interns and led them through a machine learning crash-course consisting of the basics of neural nets, replication of [micrograd](https://github.com/karpathy/micrograd), the making of a simple bi-gram language model (*replication of [makemore](https://github.com/karpathy/makemore)*), the basics of reinforcement learning, stable diffusion, and other, smaller topics. \ I will use the following section to document various projects that I have had a hand in. --- --- #### Game development ##### Experience in: - Unreal Engine 4 (*with several months of experience in Unreal Engine 5*) > [!DONE|noicon] [Beat Rush](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a1pWekduNI&pp=ygUPYmVhdCBydXNoIHN0ZWFt) ![](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a1pWekduNI&pp=ygUPYmVhdCBydXNoIHN0ZWFt) > [!DONE|noicon] [Terminal Insanity: RackJacker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51LNsCKf8ic&list=PLJR39Q1c4BTPJkORZSzTqDeeqnk98_CKX) ![](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELHdPonwfZ0&list=PLJR39Q1c4BTPJkORZSzTqDeeqnk98_CKX&index=15&pp=iAQB) --- #### Machine learning [==My Weights & Biases profile==](https://wandb.ai/simtoon) [==My Hugging Face profile==](https://huggingface.co/ongkn) ##### Experience in: - PyTorch > [!DONE|noicon] the [Advanced Communication Augmentor and Relational Insights System](Arch.md) > [!DONE|noicon] [MarkIV](A%20New%20Path%20-%20Ongakken%20Leaves%20Game%20Dev.md) > [!DONE|noicon] [ai.ongakken.com](https://ai.ongakken.com/) > [!DONE|noicon] [Niche classifier](General%20info.md) (*work in progress*) ^2831e2 >[!DONE|noicon] [Cerviguard](Projects/Work/Cerviguard/Hypothesis.md) > [!DONE|noicon] [Does she like you?](https://github.com/simonSlamka/does-she-like-you) (*this was an early stride into ML and while very simplistic, it sparked my interested in the field and is one of the reasons why I am currently in it*) > [!DONE|noicon] [NeuroWorld](https://github.com/ongakken/NeuroWorld) (*even though barely started, this project was likely the very first contact of mine with anything ML-related. Originally, it was supposed to be an RL simulation consisting of agents fighting for their lives*) --- - HF `transformers` > [!DONE|noicon] [Girl classifier](desc%20-%20girl%20classifier.md) ^girlclassifier --- - Keras > [!DONE|noicon] [Neko classifier](https://huggingface.co/ongknsro/neko-classifier) > [Dataset](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ongknsro/nekos-nonnekos) > [School doc](portfolio.md) > [Jupyter notebook used for training](https://github.com/simonSlamka/neko-classifier/blob/main/prop_nekogirls.ipynb) --- - OpenCV/dlib >[!done|noicon] [Cuteness calculator](intro%20-%20cuteness%20calculator.md) --- --- #### Music production > [!DONE|noicon] *[a GitHub search filter for the songs that I open-sourced](https://github.com/simonSlamka?tab=repositories&q=song_&type=public&language=&sort=)* > [!DONE|noicon] [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/artist/2DDZznPqd8lnsIeqkgKyxN) > [!DONE|noicon] [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/@Simtoonia/) --- --- #### Misc > [!DONE|noicon] [vidminify](https://github.com/simonSlamka/vidminify) > [!DONE|noicon] [end dev session](https://github.com/simonSlamka/end-dev-session) > [!DONE|noicon] [My writing](https://www.amazon.de/Simon-Slamka/e/B09NCLWKH9) --- --- ### Academic background > [!DONE|noicon] Audiovisual technology at "Secondary School of Electrical Engineering", Karola Adlera 5, Bratislava, Slovakia > [!DONE|noicon] "IT-teknolog" program (*essentially computer science*) at ["UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole" in Odense, Denmark](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/simtoon_just-finished-the-it-teknolog-educational-activity-7079778477356261376-UFjq) --- --- ### Extracurricular background > [!DONE|noicon] "SOČ" (*a Slovak high-school competition*)—made it into the national round ![soc-postup-regional](soc-postup-regional.jpg) ![soc-regional](soc-regional.jpg) ![soc-cert-national](soc-cert-national.jpg) > [!DONE|noicon] "AMAVET" (*a Slovak tech and science competition*)—made it into the national round ![amavet-cert](amavet-cert.jpg)